SreeVenu·5/19/2023in GeneralWhich is your fav out of the first five seasonsSeason 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Vote135 Votes in PollHaley MarshallAlex DunphyLily Tucker-PritchettClaire DunphyPhil DunphyCameron TuckerMitchell PritchettGloria PritchettThe Pritchett-Tucker HouseStella
Ajames0037·12/28/2022in GeneralWho is your favorite actor of StellaActress 1Actress 2Vote179 Votes in PollStella
EnzoBuckJames·9/26/2022in GeneralWho’s the best pet?LarryStellaVote150 Votes in Poll(Edited by EnzoBuckJames)StellaLarry
IdkLM8O·4/18/2022in GeneralWho is your favourite member of the Delgado-Pritchett household?Jay PritchettGloria Delgado-PritchettManny DelgadoJoe PritchettStellaVote222 Votes in PollJay PritchettManny DelgadoGloria PritchettJoe PritchettStellaThe Pritchett House
Serie.movies·4/13/2021in GeneralWhich one do you want ?Gloria JayPhil Claire Michel Cameron Vote146 Votes in PollPhil DunphyJay PritchettStella
Darthwintersoldier·4/10/2021in GeneralMost attractive female characterGloriaClaireHaleyAlexStella(ofc)Vote195 Votes in PollHaley MarshallAlex DunphyClaire DunphyGloria PritchettStella
Ang51325·8/21/2020in GeneralDo think Stella could've been played by a different dogYes, what typeNo Vote106 Votes in PollModern FamilyJay PritchettStella