Modern Family Wiki

While driving out to get breakfast, the Dunphys, including Manny, have a near death experience causing everyone to reevaluate their lives. Claire resolves to be more fun and less uptight, Haley and Alex agree not to fight anymore, Manny refuses to ever ride in a car again, Luke wants to check off his bucket list, Phil decides to be a take action type of guy, and the rest of the family has to bear the brunt of all the new attitudes.


Guest starring



  • The episode title refers to the the day where the Dunphys and Manny have a near-death experience when they almost get hit by a truck.
  • Luke's bucket list:
    • Mentos Jet Pack Ramp Climb
    • Hold My Breath For 5 Minutes
    • Build a Bat Cave
    • Chew More Gum
    • Learn French
    • Clone Myself
  • Lily and Joe are absent in this episode.
  • In the scene of the Facebook photo, Haley's phone changes color from purple to blue.

Cultural References

